The Importance of Content in Web Design
Let us talk about how to properly use visual content in order to direct users' attention to important information and lead to the completion of a targeted action. What is really important for creating an effective website design.
This is a really important aspect for effective design. Unconsciously or consciously, all users evaluate a new site based on the first page loaded in the browser.
The originality of web design is certainly important, but the overall impression of the site is much more important. This impression is influenced by the following factors:
- free space,
- font color and size,
- symmetry or asymmetry of the arrangement of elements,
- the relationship between different page elements.
For any commercial site, it is important that the visitor stays on the web page as long as possible and views the page to the end. In this regard, it is very important to focus first on the functions, and only then on the form of representation of these functions.
Web design should favorably present content and make it a primary element.
Let us take a detailed look at how you can profitably present the location of functional elements on your site using visual content.
Creating a productive web design draws attention to the composition
ll elements of the site are part of a single general layout. Therefore, the layout as a whole creates a harmonious composition. The overall impression of the concept is always more important than the impression of individual elements.
The blocks of a web page are combined to create a harmonious whole. The task of all web design elements is to create a logical flow of visual content. All parts of the page should lead the visitor to perform the target action.
That is why interactions between different parts of visual content: text, images, buttons, arrows play such an important role in design.
The task of a web designer when creating a website is to make page viewing a visitor's desire. The study of effective techniques and examples can help this.
Here are some general recommendations on how to arrange visual content when creating a website design
It is good when there is a lot of empty space between the elements, in this case there is no feeling of congestion.
- The font should successfully shade the brand's illustrations.
- Two columns with photos on one side and a description on the other highlight the essence of the text well. This alternation draws attention to the text and makes the web page not so monotonous.
- Interesting animation effects will make the page scrolling process more interesting.
- It is good when the content is visually divided into horizontal blocks on contrasting substrates with icons and a bright font.
- All elements of a web page must be in balance with each other. Contrast and combination of colors, proportionality of forms and empty space.
All these details together play a significant role, creating a common composition. Thus, in the process of creating websites, the development of web elements, design and usability are closely interrelated. It is this connection that helps to present content profitably.
There are no recipes for a perfect page, because all sites are different. But if harmony and a sense of proportion are observed, you can get an excellent result!
The importance of typography for the beneficial presentation of visual content
In order to present visual content favorably when creating web design, it is necessary to pay great attention to the design of typography. It directly affects the management of user attention on your site.
Of particular importance are the hierarchy and style of different elements of a web page - these are paragraphs, headings, lists, quotes and columns or tables.
The presentation of visual content strongly influences the design layout of the site. That's why when working on a design, you need to take into account the natural progression. That is, it is necessary to write texts so that:
- they gradually led to the end of the page,
- at the end of each logical unit it is necessary to put a call to action
- be sure to attract the attention of users to each paragraph with bright headings
The task of a web designer is to see the difference between individual elements of typography, notice and evaluate their impact on the rest of the page elements. Create a relationship between the individual blocks of the page so as to highlight the content.
In the design of typography, pay attention to:
- color contrast
- text size
- font compatibility
- paragraph edges line height
- interactions between different page blocks
- centering the text
- case and letter spacing
- uniformity of representation of the same type of elements
Direct users' attention with content
There are different methods for managing the attention of site visitors. Different types of sites use methods. For example, for landing pages, small-sized blocks of content are often used in combination with CTA, icons, graphic diagrams, reviews and screenshots.
In blogs, for example, users do not immediately find themselves on the main page. Often the user clicks on a link to a certain article. Therefore, the title should be large or bright to attract the visitor's attention and arouse interest in the content.
Bright photos and attractive headlines help to interest users. Attention management on each site will work differently depending on the goals that need to be achieved. It is important to always pay attention to individual details of the web page design in order to establish a visual hierarchy.
Some features and characteristics of the design sometimes cannot be explained by analytics, their application can be advantageous for several sites, but unsuccessful for others.
Don't neglect the content. This is the first thing that makes you come back to your site. The maximum attention of the user is paid to the unique and relevant content on the site. No matter how well-designed your site is, users will not use it just because it has unusual graphics.
Yes, design affects content, but its influence can be both beneficial and detrimental. The role of design in development is to support the content of the site. Without proper and high-quality design, the content may not be available to the user.
In combination, content and design give:
- Trust in the site. If competent design and high–quality content are intertwined, this increases the user's trust.
- The subsequent return of the user. If the user is satisfied with the design and relevant content, he will return.